Herbaceous planting

Gardens, Landscape and BREEAM

The consultancy has experience of designing landscape plans to the BREEAM standard. These are schemes that meet the strict standards devised by Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method.

By integrating elements of the BREEAM Code into new homes and obtaining assessments against the Code, developers can then obtain a star rating for the new home that reflects its environmental performance.

The BREEAM Code is designed to help tackle climate change, resource use and impact on wildlife and balance these issues against the need to provide safe and healthy homes and a high quality of life. It also helps reduce the environmental impact of a development through good design and informed decisions in areas including ecology and land use.

BREEAM provides clients, developers, designers and others with market recognition for low environmental impact buildings assurance that best environmental practice is incorporated into a building inspiration to find innovative solutions that minimise the environmental impact a benchmark that is higher than regulation tool to help reduce running costs, improve working and living environments a standard that demonstrates progress towards corporate and organisational environmental objectives BREEAM addresses wide-ranging environmental and sustainability issues and enables developers and designers to prove the environmental credentials of their buildings to planners and clients.

It uses a straightforward scoring system that is transparent, easy to understand and supported by evidence-based research has a positive influence on the design, construction and management of buildings sets and maintains a robust technical standard with rigorous quality assurance and certification.

Please contact Barry to discuss your project and BREEAM requirements.