A Kitchen Garden offers tremendous potential for providing fresh fruit and vegetables. There is simply no better taste than from hand picked produce that is eaten only a few hours or even minutes from being harvested.

If you are looking for a kitchen garden designer to meet your needs then I have many years experience in restoring and building walled gardens complete with a full inventory of buildings, greenhouses; and apparatus required to grow every conceivable plant, be it for eating or floral enjoyment.

Careful planning for both restoration and new built kitchen gardens is essential to avoid costly mistakes. When building walls, greenhouses and other associated buildings the site needs careful consideration. Plan for all seasons, weather conditions, utilities and access and your kitchen garden design will work well for you and your staff and provide a wide choice of fruit, vegetables and flowers.

The consultancy is able to offer a year’s calendar for the whole kitchen garden, from sowing, to pruning and harvesting, together with a programme of biological pest control to minimise on chemical use.

If you have a Kitchen Garden that requires restoration, help with maintenance or staff that need training on any aspect of growing vegetables, training fruit or tending sub tropical and tropical plant collections in glasshouses, then do contact the consultancy for advice.